• Question: When you were little what university did you want to go to?

    Asked by ethan99 to Kate, Kieren, Nicola, Rowena, Roy on 7 Mar 2014.
    • Photo: Kate Nicholson

      Kate Nicholson answered on 7 Mar 2014:

      I always wanted to go to America, maybe CalTech in San Francisco, but quickly found out that would take me a lot longer to get my degrees (and be a lot more expensive!) I also quite liked Heriot-Watt in Edinburgh, who offered me a music scholarship, but once again, that added on an extra year and I was impatient, so settled on Durham when it came to making the choice when I was 18.

    • Photo: Rowena Fletcher-Wood

      Rowena Fletcher-Wood answered on 8 Mar 2014:

      When I was little, I didn’t know university existed. I didn’t even know what GCSEs were until I was in year 9. I had no older brothers and sisters and my mother never thought to tell me about these things! I guess I always supposed I would just continue in education until it finished and I would go to the best places I could get into.

      I grew up in Sheffield near Sheffield University, and I used to think that the uni was an adult education college divided into separate subjects where adults where to learn new trades like teaching or hairdressing or accounting part-time.

    • Photo: Nicola Rogers

      Nicola Rogers answered on 8 Mar 2014:

      I don’t think I ever thought about this when I was young. When I was applying for Universities, I wanted to go to Edinburgh University because I loved the city – and I did go there for a year.

    • Photo: Kieren Bradley

      Kieren Bradley answered on 9 Mar 2014:

      I didn’t know what University I wanted to go to until I look round the ones I had applied to. Bristol and Nottingham seemed great, both were nice cities, but in the end Bristol was closer to home but still far enough away that I wasn’t living at home.

    • Photo: Roy Adkin

      Roy Adkin answered on 10 Mar 2014:

      Hi Ethan,
      I honestly hadn’t thought about it when I was little…I was too busy thinking about the next maths/spelling test or whether or not they’d run out of Dairy Milk from the vending machine…and we won’t even get into the trauma of double P.E. on a Friday afternoon…:-(
      I started to think about universities when I went to college. I wasn’t sure if I wanted to study geology or chemistry until halfway through the second year of my A Levels. I decided chemistry so I chose the two universities with best chemistry courses offered at the time (Kings College in London and The University of Plymouth). I went to Plymouth and it was awesome!
      I hope that answers your question 🙂
