• Question: when do you think we will run out of energy, and which energy scource do you think will become extinct first??????????

    • Keywords:
      • Royal Society of Chemistry: Find out more on:
      Asked by mmurphy13 to Kate, Kieren, Nicola, Rowena, Roy on 13 Mar 2014.
      • Photo: Rowena Fletcher-Wood

        Rowena Fletcher-Wood answered on 13 Mar 2014:

        Most estimates are 20-50 years to run out of energy if we continue using it at our current rate. But as we discover more sources or use them up too fast this estimate keeps changing so the best answer is in our lifetimes. I’m guessing coal will go first but that’s jut a guess!

      • Photo: Kate Nicholson

        Kate Nicholson answered on 13 Mar 2014:

        I would guess oil first, we can’t really access all the coal reserves (some of the old miners in the village will still tell you about the 3 mile fault – where the layers of rock 3 miles out to sea from the north coast are all shifted so they can’t find where the next coal seam is) but since all the mines closed that’s a moot point!
        If we could learn to use nuclear fuel safely and not generate so much waste, it would be a very long lived energy source, but again it is finite.
        The only way to truly not run out is the renewables which ultimately feed from the sun, which is still a good 5billion years from running out.
