• Question: What are genes made out of?

    • Keywords:
      • Royal Society of Chemistry: Find out more on:
      Asked by fierylittle1 to Kate, Kieren, Nicola, Rowena, Roy on 13 Mar 2014.
      • Photo: Rowena Fletcher-Wood

        Rowena Fletcher-Wood answered on 13 Mar 2014:

        Proteins! There’s a whole bunch of digferent kinds of amino acids that make them up.

      • Photo: Kate Nicholson

        Kate Nicholson answered on 14 Mar 2014:

        DNA which is made from proteins which is made from amino acids which is made from carbon, nitrogen hydrogen oxygen and sulfur.

      • Photo: Nicola Rogers

        Nicola Rogers answered on 15 Mar 2014:

        A ‘gene’ is the name given to a section of DNA that is responsible for a certain instruction in the organism. Our DNA is made up of amino acids that are which are held together on a phosphate sugar backbone, and form a double helix due to hydrogen bonding between amino acids. Incredibly long helices of DNA are all wrapped up to form a chromosome, and sections of this wrapped up DNA are called genes.
