• Question: Is it possible in the future to make a phone where apart from hearing and seeing things, you can smell the things there as well?

    Asked by lubylulo12 to Roy, Rowena, Kieren on 14 Mar 2014.
    • Photo: Rowena Fletcher-Wood

      Rowena Fletcher-Wood answered on 14 Mar 2014:

      Yes. There is some interesting research going on at the moment into the way smell works (wellll… the way maggots smell) and whether it is shape selective and how these receptors are triggered. The restruction with technology at the moment is that the only way we know to trigger smell receptors is to put out molecules that smell! Once we know other ways to trigger these receptors we should be able to build smell pictures. 🙂 I just wonder whether it will be like sight – something you can turn off by shutting your eyes, or something you can’t control like hearing.

    • Photo: Kieren Bradley

      Kieren Bradley answered on 18 Mar 2014:

      watching bbcs click on Saturday they were describing a device that directly stimulates the nerves in your brain to make you think you are smelling/tasting something. the machine hadn’t been invented yet, but certainly people are working towards your idea.
