• Question: Did you like science at school?

    Asked by hannahlittleee to Kate, Kieren, Nicola, Rowena, Roy on 10 Mar 2014. This question was also asked by crazyfrog249.
    • Photo: Rowena Fletcher-Wood

      Rowena Fletcher-Wood answered on 10 Mar 2014:

      I didn’t like most of it when I was in primary school, except stuff on animals. We did a lot of work on gravity (dropping balls of paper) and capacity (filling different shaped containers) which I found very dull. When I went up to secondary school and got to do “proper” science I started finding it very exciting. I loved making new things and making things fizz or change colour.

      The first year I did separate sciences I hated chemistry because I didn’t understand the teacher, but then I had an amazing teacher the next year and decided I would study chemistry at university. At the same time I went off biology, but that wasn’t the teacher’s fault, but because the course has lots of human biology in it and I’m not interested in organs. I like genetics best in biology. There are so many topics in science there are bound to be bits you like and bits you don’t.
