• Question: Now that someone has been evicted, how do you feel? Do you think you will win?

    Asked by rorybaxter to Kate, Kieren, Rowena, Roy on 19 Mar 2014.
    • Photo: Rowena Fletcher-Wood

      Rowena Fletcher-Wood answered on 19 Mar 2014:

      I actually feel a bit upset about it… we’ve lost a member of our team and we’re not as strong as we were before. I know I’m a Scientist could have just as easily had four scientists instead of five, but in science working together is very important (and helpful!) so it seems like a weakness to lose someone. That being said, you see people come and go all the time in lab groups, doing post docs or placements, so staff turnover is pretty rapid. I have no idea if I will win! That’s up to you lot!

    • Photo: Kieren Bradley

      Kieren Bradley answered on 19 Mar 2014:

      It was a shock to me, I don’t think I read the rules properly before I signed up, I knew there was a vote for the winner, but I didn’t know we were in danger of eviction. I don’t think it will affect me too much, even if I get evicted I’ll still be doing the chats. I suppose I now have a better chance of winning, but I also know I’m up against people who were obviously voted for, so I guess it gets harder from now on.

    • Photo: Kate Nicholson

      Kate Nicholson answered on 19 Mar 2014:

      A bit relieved that I’m still in, I thought everyone else was doing so well at answering your questions that I wouldn’t have got enough votes! I have no idea if I will win, it all depends on you voting for us, so I hope you’re still checking back each day 🙂 I’m a bit sad that we have one less person here, mostly because I like the way you can have 5 different answers to a question and each person brings a little different perspective to the group.

    • Photo: Roy Adkin

      Roy Adkin answered on 19 Mar 2014:

      I feel sad for the scientists evicted…Nicola and Kate…because this is such a fun experience. I don’t think for one second I will win this competition, but as I said from the start, I already think I’ve got so much out of this experience already that I am happy to be evicted if that’s what you guys decide (BUT…I’d love to stay in so please feel free to vote for me 🙂 )
